Doucede ip
DOUCEDE IP assists you in protecting your innovations and defending your industrial property rights.
doucede ip
Trust is the foundation of our partnerships with our customers, allowing us to build long-term relationships.
The firm considers rigor to be essential in the field of IP linking science and law.
The firm's DNA is to provide our clients with a prompt response tailored to their needs.
Our priority is to offer our customers a responsive service that considers the challenges our customers are facing.
The technical fields of the firm are: organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry, including for example cosmetics, catalysts, paints and dyes, green chemistry, pharmacy, textiles, recycling (waste treatment/recovery) and batteries.
After more than 10 years of experience in renowned German patent law firms established in Germany and France, Géraldine founded DOUCEDE IP, a patent law firm.
Her activity is dedicated to industrial property, she is a French and European patent attorney and a UPC representative.
Her areas of expertise are : organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry including for example cosmetics, catalysts, paints and dyes, green chemistry, pharmacie, textiles, recycling (treatment/recovery of waste) batteries.
Strengths of the firm
Géraldine has international experience having worked for 6 years in Germany, particularly in Munich. She has solid experience in drafting patent applications, patent prosecution before several offices such as EPO and INPI, opposition and appeal procedures before the European Patent Office as well as freedom to operate studies.
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